Client Testimonials

a simple and modern illustration of a clitoris at a desk with a long white cane for the blind,  a laptop, a cup of hot drink, and a lamp. There's also a clock on the wall and a small plant under the desk. The clitoris is purple and the background is light blue.

Sarah Erb

As a parent of a child who was born with a disability, learning from and being mentored by Laura and others with disabilities similar to my child’s has challenged me to advocate more fully for a positive, inclusive culture of consent in all my relationships, starting at home.

I appreciate Laura’s passion, and her leadership and project management skills, while we have worked together over the past 2 years on consent and sex positive advocacy for individuals with disabilities.

Her approach is infectious and down to earth, and

“I find her ability to empower others to realize the importance and uniqueness that they bring to the table is needed and timely.”

Laura, Thank you for being a force for positive change as we continue to work together to build a future that we are proud to pass on to our children.

Noralys Chavez

Hi Laura. I know you said to keep testimonials short, but when you’ve been impacted by someone so much, that’s kinda hard to do. It was lovely meeting you in 2016 at lighthouse for the blind in San Francisco.

“I really enjoyed how comfortable you made me feel to talk about sex.”

…You got me to discover parts of myself I didn’t think I could get in touch with. What I mean by that is my depth and vulnerability. Throughout the years I thought sex was something people did and not talked about. It’s actually not a horrible thing in my opinion. I found that one can grow emotionally and mentally from it. Thank you for being such a positive role model in my life. I’ve also enjoyed conversations outside of sex positivity. You’re an amazing person that’s done a lot and has so much more to go. I’ll be cheering you on.

Tiffany Taylor

As a queer blind woman who has had little accessible education or information around sexual health Laura was really instrumental in helping me learn what I needed to know. She helps to empower people to explore the vast world of sexuality her wealth of knowledge, personability and patience really help to make her a great educator and person.

She helps people feel comfortable to discuss these topics that are often viewed as off-limits to those of us in the disabled community. I have had the privilege of attending several workshops, presentations and audio describing accessible tours that Laura has led relating to topics spanning such a wide range in the realm of sexuality and sexual health and she really made a wonderful space to safely learn and explore. She is really great at explaining things in terms that are accessible in a very confidential and non-judgmental way. Her passion and drive for this work and meeting people where they are is evident in all she does. She has an innate ability to open the doors surrounding sexuality and sexual health by starting from the very basics and moving forward in a clear and supportive manner. She really makes people feel comfortable to ask questions and that no questions are too simple or embarrassing to ask. I have really valued and appreciated our many conversations surrounding these topics all the way from understanding anatomy, to sexual health, to Intersectionality regarding queer and disabled identities, as well as safe sex, consent and exploring fantasy and desire.

Lisamaria Martinez

I have worked side-by-side with Laura since 2016, as her boss, as her friend, and as a colleague in the pursuit of “a culture of consent”,. Laura has often given me kudos for helping her along her blindness journey, but the real learning and real transformation has been within me.

Laura has a depth of knowledge around disability and sexuality that is astounding in its simplistic and straightforward presentation.

…She approaches her work with humanness, compassion, and kindness. I’ve seen the impact she has had on the blindness community and I have witnessed her influence in myself and my sexuality journey.

You truly couldn’t ask for a better person to guide you in your journey of self-discovery.

–Lisamaria Martinez, CPC, CEO & Founder, Be Confident Be You Coaching LLC

Lee Staub

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Laura professionally for several years. I first became aware of her work when she worked as Sexual Health Services Program Coordinator at the Lighthouse for the Blind. At the time, several of the young blind adults I worked with participated in workshops and events she developed. These events were geared towards fostering and building healthy boundaries, bodily autonomy, sexual health and consent in a safe and affirming space. As an instructor, it was exciting to witness my students’ building lifelong connections, growing their self confidence and learning more about themselves through Laura’s programs.

Starting in 2019 Laura and I collaborated on a series of educational workshops aimed at addressing ableism within traditional educational and rehabilitation models. As a partner in this work, .

Laura challenges me in very thoughtful ways that have allowed me to grow and develop as a person and as an Orientation and Mobility Specialist.

Her perspective, values and insight particularly around the importance of building a culture of consent within the field of Orientation and Mobility have revolutionized my teaching practices and the way I approach this work.

The lessons I’ve learned from Laura inform my teaching practices and the way I approach my students, which has ultimately made me a more effective teacher and a stronger accomplice in this work.